Published February 12, 2025

06:40 AM EST

Paul Weaver / SOPA Images / LightRocket / Getty Images

Shares of CVS Health (CVS) surged in premarket trading Wednesday after the health insurance and pharmacy giant reported better-than-expected fourth-quarter results.

CVS reported adjusted earnings per share (EPS) of $1.19 on revenue of $97.71 billion. Analysts polled by Visible Alpha expected adjusted EPS of $0.91 on revenue of $96.89 billion.

CVS shares were up over 9% immediately following the report’s release. They entered the day down about 28% over the past 12 months.

“We have continued to see growth in key areas of our business, including the Pharmacy and Consumer Wellness segment, while we address the industry-wide challenges that have impacted our Health Care Benefits segment,” new CEO David Joyner said.

The results cap a tumultuous quarter for CVS, which saw the company replace its CEO in October, weeks after reports emerged that it was considering separating its retail pharmacies and Aetna health insurance operations amid struggling results and pressure from investors.

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