Published February 14, 2025
05:00 AM EST
Getty Images
Major stock and bond markets will be closed Monday in observance of George Washington’s birthday, commonly referred to as Presidents’ Day. They will run on normal schedules the remainder of the week.
The New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq won’t open Monday, and U.S. bond trading will halt for the federal holiday, originally made to honor the first U.S. president.
Most schools, banks, and government offices will also be closed in observance of the holiday, and mail will not be delivered.
The Presidents’ Day holiday falls on the third Monday in February each year. Washington’s actual birthday was on Feb. 22, 1732.
The next stock market holiday is April 18 in observance of Good Friday, followed by Memorial Day.
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Department of Financial Services,, 02/11/2025
- “Washington’s Birthday.”