Published February 14, 2025

08:03 AM EST

Bloomberg / Contributor / Getty Images


  • Roku shares are jumping in premarket trading Friday, after the streaming company posted better-than-estimated fourth-quarter results.
  • JPMorgan stuck with its outperform rating on Roku and raised its price target on the stock to $115 from $92 each.
  • Roku said it exceeded 90 million streaming households in the first week of January 2025.

Roku (ROKU) shares are jumping around 15% in premarket trading Friday, after the streaming company posted better-than-estimated fourth-quarter results.

The streaming platform reported a narrower fourth-quarter operating loss of $39.1 million versus the $104.2 million loss it posted in the same period in 2023. Revenue jumped 22% year-over-year to $1.20 billion, All the numbers beat consensus estimates from Visible Alpha. 

Roku also said it expects to be “operating income positive for full year 2026.”

Roku Projects First FY Outlook Since 2022 

The company also projected first-quarter revenue of $1.0 billion and full year 2025 revenue at $4.61 billion. Those figures were in line with estimates but JPMorgan analysts Thursday said the company “threw a curveball and provided a year-ahead outlook for the first time since 2022.” JPMorgan stuck with its outperform rating on Roku and raised its price target on the stock to $115 from $92 each.

Roku said in its shareholder letter that it wanted to “provide a clear and accurate outlook grounded in the latest information rather than conservatism.”

Roku said it ended 2024 with 89.8 million streaming households, and exceeded 90 million in the first week of January 2025.

Roku shares are down around 4% in the past 12 months through Thursday.

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