Published February 19, 2025

04:57 PM EST

Bloomberg / Getty Images

Shares of Super Micro Computer (SMCI) notched their fifth straight session of gains Wednesday as momentum continued to build after the company’s business update last week. 

Supermicro shares gained 8% Wednesday, making the company one of the top performers in the S&P 500—just a day after the stock overtook Palantir Technologies (PLTR) as the best-performing S&P 500 component this year. Shares have nearly doubled in value since the start of 2025.

During Supermicro’s business update last week, Chief Executive Officer Charles Liang said sales could reach $40 billion in 2026, driven by demand for artificial intelligence data-center servers. That would represent 60% growth from the high end of the company’s 2025 revenue guidance. 

Planning To Submit Delayed Financials Soon

Supermicro also said it expects to submit its delayed financial reports from the 2024 fiscal year by Nasdaq’s deadline on Feb. 25 to avoid being delisted. The delinquent reports have raised worries that Supermicro could be dropped from the exchange, amid concerns about the company’s accounting practices.  

Despite Supermicro stock skyrocketing over the past week, the company’s shares have lost a quarter of their value over the past 12 months.

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