The Stock Led S&P 500 Decliners on Tuesday
Updated March 25, 2025
05:09 PM EDT
David Paul Morris / Bloomberg via Getty Images
United Parcel Service (UPS) was the worst-performing stock in the S&P 500 on Tuesday as the shipping giant’s shares closed at their lowest level in nearly five years.
UPS shares fell 5% to $109.95, their lowest level since June 29, 2020, when they ended trading at $109.48.
The company did not appear to issue a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing or press release Tuesday.
UPS shares plummeted 14% on Jan. 30, when the company reported weaker-than-expected fourth-quarter results and said it was cutting its business with Amazon (AMZN), its largest customer. They have lost more than half their value since closing at an all-time high of $232.11 on Feb. 2, 2022, amid record pandemic demand.
UPDATE: This article has been updated with closing stock price levels.
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