Published January 23, 2025
04:59 PM EST
Intuitive Surgical (ISRG) reported fourth-quarter earnings that topped analysts’ expectations as it boosted sales of its surgical robots.
The medical device maker reported fourth-quarter revenue of $2.41 billion, a 25% jump year-over-year and above the analyst consensus compiled by Visible Alpha. Earnings came in at $686 million, or $1.88 per share, up from $606 million, or $1.69 per share, a year ago and also beat expectations.
Intuitive Surgical said the number of procedures performed with its da Vinci minimally invasive surgical devices increased 18% from a year earlier. The company said it installed 493 da Vinci systems in the period, compared to 415 a year ago.
The company said it expects da Vinci procedures this year to grow 13% to 16% from 2024. Its adjusted gross profit margin is expected to fall between 1 to 2 percentage points, but that doesn’t account for potential new tariffs, which could have a “material” impact, the company said.
Intuitive Surgical shares wavered between slight gains and losses in extended trading Thursday following the release. The stock closed at an all-time high a day earlier and has gained about 62% over the past year through Thursday’s close.
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