Published February 15, 2025
05:00 AM EST
Scanning the internet for homes—even if they’re outside your home state or price range—has become as much a pastime as scrolling social media. Last month, some of America’s most-viewed houses were in California, and many are listed for big bucks.
Real-estate listing site Redfin earlier this week shared its 10 most-viewed home listings in January, Seven were located in the Bay Area’s Silicon Valley, with two in Seattle’s Eastside suburbs. Nine were are priced at more than $1 million, well above the median U.S. home-sale price of roughly $430,000.
Here are some of Redfin’s most-clicked January listings.
- Number one was 1171 Ironstone Ct, San Jose, CA, listed at about $1.5 million. The three-bedroom, two-bathroom home from the 1970s is near parks, golf courses, entertainment, and Northern California’s largest indoor shopping mall, according to the listing.
- Next up: 7307 Kolb Pl, Dublin, CA, listed just below $1.3 million. The five-bedroom, three-bathroom home is located near major freeways, which could ease the commute.
- Third came a house with a closer-to-Earth price tag, as 3558 Sequoia Cmn, Fremont, CA, was lsited at around $544,000. The three-bedroom, two-and-a-half bathroom home in the Parkmont Elementary School area is within walking distance of shopping, dining, entertainment, and a play area for kids, and near BART and major freeways..
The top 10 also included an over-$24 million listing in Pacific Palisades, Calif, which according to the LA County Recovers Palisades Fire Damage Map received “minor damage” due to the recent fires in that area.
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Redfin, “Most viewed listings January 2025”
Redfin, “Home sales fall December 2024”
Redfin, “1171 Ironstone Ct”
Redfin, “7307 Kolb Pl”
Redfin, “3558 Sequoia Cmn”
LA County Recovery, “Palisades Fire Damage Map”
Redfin, “1051 Vista Grande Dr”