Published February 24, 2025

03:39 PM EST

Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

Walgreens Boots Alliance (WBA) shares jumped Monday afternoon as investor optimism about the possibility of a deal lifted the drugstore chain’s shares.

Walgreens shares were recently up close to 8%, leaving the stock about 17% higher this year, though a bit below early 2025 highs. Perceptions that a deal might be on, or off, have lately dragged the shares in both directions. They’ve lost roughly half their value over the past 12 months.

Reports suggesting that a sale to private-equity firm Sycamore Partners was still in play boosted the stock last week. On Monday, credit-information provider Octus said on the social media platform X that “Morgan Stanley, UBS, and private lenders are structuring a $10 billion package to back Sycamore Partners’ potential buyout,” suggesting further progress toward a deal.

Deutsche Bank analysts last week maintained a “hold” rating on the shares, saying in a report that the “main obstacles for any potential acquirer remain the company’s constrained cash flow, poor fundamentals and ongoing debt burden.”

The Justice Department, meanwhile, earlier this year announced a lawsuit regarding its prescription practices.

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  1. X Platform. “@OctusCredit, 9:56 a.m. Feb. 24, 2025.”

  2. Deutsche Bank. “Walgreens Boots Alliance – On Again, Off Again: WBA Deal Talk Resurfaces.”