Published February 26, 2025
01:40 PM EST
picture alliance / Contributor / Getty Images
Key Takeaways
- Axon Enterprise posted fourth-quarter earnings that topped analysts’ estimates.
- The Taser maker also offered a strong outlook on demand for its defense products.
- Axon shares soared following the results and have nearly doubled in value over the last year.
Axon Enterprise (AXON) shares soared Wednesday on the company’s better-than-expected earnings and strong outlook on growing demand for its Taser 10 weapon, portable cameras, and premium subscriptions.
The defense products manufacturer posted adjusted fourth-quarter earnings per share (EPS) of $2.08, above analysts’ estimates compiled by Visible Alpha. Revenue jumped 33.6% year-over-year to $575.1 million, also more than anticipated.
Taser revenue was up 37.1% to $221.2 million, while revenue from Axon’s Cloud & Services segment jumped 40.6% to $230.3 million, and Sensors & Other revenue grew 17.5% to $123.6 million.
For the full year, Axon said it anticipates adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) of $640 million to $670 million and sales of $2.55 billion to $2.65 billion. Analysts had been looking for adjusted EBITDA of $654 million and sales of $2.57 billion.
Shares of Axon Enterprise were up nearly 17% in Wednesday afternoon trading and have nearly doubled in value over the last year.
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