It’s been possible for some time to make payments towards your American Express personal credit card bill using PayPal Bill Pay (PPBP). Payments were limited to $1,000 each, but you could make multiple payments towards the same card, which in practice meant that you could pay off your whole bill over a few days. Not only was this convenient, it also allowed some folks with rewards-earning debit cards to earn something when paying off their Amex card.
That all appears to be ending, however. Today, American Express sent out a notice to customers who had been using PPBP, letting them know that payments via the service would no longer be possible as of 4/1/25.
What’s Happened
- It will no longer be possible to use PayPal Bill Pay to pay American Express personal credit card statements starting 4/1/25.
- Cardholders ability to use American Express cards to pay other merchants via PayPal will be unaffected
Quick Thoughts
This will probably come as a surprise to few people who were actually using PPBP to pay their Amex bills. A few weeks ago, Amex seemingly added the ability to pay business cards as well as personal, something that hadn’t been possible in the past. However, after a couple of days, not only did Amex customers lose the ability to add their business cards to their PPBP account, they couldn’t add any new personal cards either.
Most of those who already had their personal cards in the system were able to continue paying them, but it seemed like it was only a matter of time before Amex pulled the plug on the whole business…and that’s exactly what happened. RIP, PPBP. We’ll miss you.
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