Published March 07, 2025

12:45 PM EST

 Smith Collection / Gado / Getty Images

Key Takeaways

  • CooperCompanies shares fell Friday, a day after the maker of consumer medical equipment posted worse-than-expected quarterly sales.
  • The decline in CooperCompanies’ shares to their lowest point since November 2023 came even as the company raised its full-year earnings outlook. Its sales forecast may have disappointed some investors.
  • The company, which has two business units—CooperVision and CooperSurgical—has recorded an almost 18% stock-price drop in the past 12 months.

CooperCompanies (COO) shares fell 8% Friday, a day after the maker of medical equipment posted worse-than-expected quarterly sales.

The company reported first-quarter fiscal 2025 adjusted earnings per share (EPS) of 92 cents, in line with estimates from analysts who follow CooperCompanies and were polled by Visible Alpha. Its revenue rose 5% year-over-year to $964.7 million, missing estimates

The share-price decline came even as the California-based company raised its full-year earnings outlook, forecasting fiscal 2025 adjusted EPS in the range of $3.94 to $4.02, up from a $3.92 to $4.02 range. The range was within consensus estimates of $3.99, though the midpoint was a bit below it.

CEO Al White said the company’s results met its revenue expectations and surpassed operational targets. The company, which has two business units—CooperVision and CooperSurgical—also projected fiscal 2025 total revenue between $4.08 billion and $4.16 billion, up between 6% and 8% year-over-year. Analysts polled by Visible Alpha were looking for $4.1 billion.

CooperCompanies shares reached their lowest price since November 2023 intraday Friday and have lost nearly 18% of their value in the past 12 months.

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