
Not much movement in financial markets in Asia-Pacific trading – ForexLive

It’s a light trading session so far in Asia-Pacific hours.

There was some modest strength in AUD and NZD that’s mostly retraced with the pair now up 6-7 pips against the US dollar. Other crosses are unchanged.

Outside of FX, S&P 500 futures are up 6 points after a 27 point gain in choppy trading Wednesday. The Nasdaq rallied 1.2% with chipmakers and AI trades leading.

The only other notable move so far in Asia is a $6 gain in gold as climbs to $2937 and gets back to within striking distance of an all-time high. Precious metals remain an attractive place to ride out a chaotic trade war but would be vulnerable if the US ever lays out a coherent, consistent policy. At the moment, I don’t see much risk of that.

gold daily

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