Published March 20, 2025
06:12 PM EDT
Kevin Carter / Getty Images
Key Takeaways
- Carvana shares gained Thursday as analysts at Piper Sandler advised buying the dip in the company’s stock after a recent selloff.
- The online used car retailer could stand to increase its market share tenfold over the long term, Piper Sandler said.
- The analysts also suggested Carvana could be well insulated from the impact of new tariffs.
Carvana (CVNA) shares gained Thursday as analysts at Piper Sandler advised buying the dip in the online used car retailer’s stock after a recent selloff.
Carvana’s stock has lost roughly a third of its value since the company reported quarterly results in February. Piper Sandler analysts told clients they would “accumulate” shares, and reiterated a $225 price target, implying more than 20% upside from Thursday’s close. The consensus of analysts tracked by Visible Alpha is even higher, at about $287.
The company currently has a roughly 1% share of the used car market, Piper Sander said, but the analysts expect that could eventually grow to more than 10%. They said Carvana could go from 416,000 vehicles sold last year to over 3 million in the long term.
Piper Sander also suggested Carvana could be particularly well insulated from the impact of new tariffs. That’s in part because used cars are primarily sold domestically, the analysts said, but also because Carvana could have room to grow its sales even if the broader used car market struggles.
Shares of Carvana added over 5% Thursday to close at $185.42. Even with the recent selloff, its shares have more than doubled in value over the past 12 months.
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Piper Sandler. “Transportation Technology. Introducing The Big Book of Automotive Insights; Refreshing Ratings, PTs, Ests.”