Citizens propel tax evasion crackdown – Kathimerini English Edition

A total of 74,944 reports regarding tax evasion, customs violations, and public official corruption were submitted by Greek citizens in 2024 through the government’s digital platforms, according to data released by the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE). This figure translates into an average of 205 daily reports via the Appodixi mobile application and the associated online platform.

These reports, covering tax violations (27,514 cases), customs-related breaches (345 cases), and corruption (3,450 instances), have spurred targeted audits, contributing an additional €2 billion to state revenue last year. Several high-profile cases have already reached investigative authorities, reflecting the platform’s potential as a tool for systemic enforcement.

The Appodixi application, downloaded by over 300,000 users, has become central to citizens’ participation in the fight against tax fraud. Users can scan receipts to verify their validity and report fraudulent or undeclared transactions directly to AADE. Last year, citizens submitted 43,635 scanned receipts for investigation, with nearly half identifying themselves by name. Engagement with the platform has surged since monetary incentives were introduced: Validated reports now offer rewards of up to €3,000, calculated as 10 times the transaction value, with a minimum of €100 per case.

However, the decision triggering the bonuses has not yet been issued. Tax authorities, however, emphasize the broader deterrent effect of enhanced citizen oversight. Confirmed violations lead to steep penalties, including fines of €10,000 to €30,000 per year, depending on the taxpayer’s bookkeeping system.

Appodixi streamlines tax enforcement further by categorizing and automating case allocation for appropriate review. Reports not acted on within six years are stored electronically for potential future use. If no link to new complaints arises within a decade, they are permanently deleted.

The initiative reflects a growing emphasis on transparency and public collaboration in combating fiscal fraud. While Greece celebrates these advances, maintaining user engagement – especially through timely reward delivery – will be pivotal for sustained success.

Tax authorities view Appodixi’s success as a benchmark for digital tools designed to enhance fiscal oversight and tackle widespread corruption, setting a robust example in the European Union.