Published January 23, 2025

06:38 AM EST

Hollie Adams / Bloomberg / Getty Images

Shares of GE Aerospace (GE) surged in premarket trading Thursday after the company reported fourth-quarter results far above analysts’ estimates.

The manufacturer of airplane engines and other parts reported net income of $1.9 billion, or $1.75 per share, on $10.81 billion in revenue. Analysts had expected profit of $1.2 billion, or $1.10 per share, on $10.01 billion in revenue, according to estimates compiled by Visible Alpha.

GE Aerospace’s revenue comes largely from two units, commercial engines and services and defense and propulsion. Revenue for the pair came in at $7.65 billion and $2.52 billion, respectively, while analysts had expected $7.39 billion and $2.53 billion.

For the next fiscal year, GE Aerospace projects low-double-digit adjusted revenue growth after rising 10% to $35.1 billion in 2024, along with adjusted earnings per share (EPS) of $5.10 to $5.45, up from $4.60 this year.

GE shares were up 7% shortly after the report’s release. They had risen almost 40% entering Thursday since the separation from GE Vernova (GEV) last April.

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