Updated January 30, 2025
04:49 PM EST
NurPhoto / Contributor / Getty Images
Key Takeaways
- Crypto exchange Kraken has reintroduced crypto staking services for its customers in the U.S.
- Kraken was previously sued by the SEC for offering similar services.
- The move by Kraken is yet another sign that the regulatory environment for crypto companies in the U.S. is changing rapidly since President Trump returned to office.
Cryptocurrency exchange Kraken is reintroducing staking services for U.S. customers again.
Kraken’s decision to resume staking comes nearly two years after it settled charges with the SEC, which had previously forced it to halt staking services and pay a $30 million fine for offering unregistered securities.
Staking is a process by which crypto investors can pledge and lock their tokens to a pool which is then used toward validating transactions. Successful validators receive rewards for verifying information on the blockchain, and those rewards are shared with investors who staked their assets.
Kraken Pro users in 37 states and two territories will be able to stake 17 digital assets including Ethereum (ETHUSD), Solana (SOLUSD), Polkadot (DOTUSD), and Cardano (ADAUSD).
This could be yet another sign that the crypto landscape is changing quickly under President Donald Trump’s second administration. In his first week in office, Trump signed an executive order on digital assets, and the Securities and Exchange Commission has become more friendly to the crypto industry.
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