Published February 03, 2025

11:39 AM EST

Lars Hagberg/AFP via Getty Images


  • President Donald Trump has implemented long-promised tariffs on some of the U.S.’s largest trading partners, but economists say these tariffs could raise inflation.
  • Most voters said the Trump administration should focus on cutting goods, services, and healthcare prices rather than imposing tariffs.
  • Voters are more willing to agree with taxes on imports from China than those from Canada and Mexico.

President Donald Trump announced his long-promised tariffs on some of the U.S.’s largest trading partners on Saturday, but most voters do not believe tariffs should be a top priority for the administration.

The majority of voters think the Trump administration should focus elsewhere besides tariffs. According to a recent survey from Morning Consult, about one out of every six voters say tariffs should be a priority. More voters think the Trump administration should focus on the price of goods and services (79%) and cutting healthcare costs (73%). Economists said these tariffs could raise inflation further. As businesses pass on their increased costs to consumers, everyday goods and services could become more expensive.

Voters are more willing to tax imports from China than the U.S.’s neighbors. More than half of voters support 10% tariffs on China, compared to only 42% who support tariffs on Mexico and Canada, with Republicans more likely to do so.

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