Updated February 03, 2025
05:07 PM EST
Hours before 25% tariffs on Canada were set to take effect, the country’s prime minister said the U.S. and its northern neighbor have reached an agreement to delay the import taxes.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wrote on social media platform X that his country will “launch a Canada-U.S. Joint Strike Force to combat organized crime, fentanyl and money laundering.” In exchange, the proposed tariffs will be delayed for 30 days, he wrote.
President Donald Trump confirmed the deal later in a post on Truth Social.
“I am very pleased with this initial outcome, and the Tariffs announced on Saturday will be paused for a 30 day period to see whether or not a final Economic deal with Canada can be structured,” Trump wrote.
This change in course comes hours after President Donald Trump struck a similar deal with Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum. As of Monday afternoon, the 10% tariff on Chinese imports still stands to be enforced beginning Tuesday.
Update, Feb. 3, 2025: This post has been updated to include comment from President Donald Trump
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