Published March 04, 2025

05:21 PM EST

Bloomberg / Getty Images

Key Takeaways

  • Super Micro Computer’s stock surged to become one of the S&P 500’s top performers Tuesday, a day after posting steep losses. 
  • It’s been a volatile few months for the stock, amid concerns about the server maker’s accounting practices and delayed regulatory filings.
  • Last week, Supermicro met a key deadline to file its late disclosures, avoiding delisting.

Super Micro Computer’s (SMCI) stock surged to become one of the S&P 500’s top performers Tuesday, a day after posting steep losses. 

The server maker’s stock jumped 8.5% to $39.14 Tuesday, making up for most of the ground it lost Monday, when the S&P 500 experienced its biggest one-day drop of 2025. The broader market struggled again Tuesday, as investors grappled with the potential effects of newly imposed U.S. tariffs. Every S&P 500 sector aside from tech ended the day in the red.

Supermicro shares have been volatile over the past few months as investors waited to see whether the company would file its delayed financial disclosures with the Securities and Exchange Commission by last week’s deadline to avoid delisting. It did, which initially sent shares soaring, before the stock pared back some gains in the days that followed.

Supermicro’s stock added nearly 30% in 2025 so far, but has still lost more than half its value from a year ago.

Last week, Mizuho analysts said they believe Supermicro could be “well positioned” for growth after regaining compliance with the Nasdaq. The firm issued a “neutral” rating and $50 price target, a roughly 28% premium over Tuesday’s close.

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  1. Mizuho. “Super Micro Computer, Inc. Reinstate Coverage – Filing Deadline Met, HGX and DLC Ramp Tailwinds – Adj Ests/PT.”