Women’s History Month is upon us, and with it, International Women’s Day on March 8. For many folks, this just means an email from corporate remembering Amelia Earhart or Sojourner Truth.
But for legions of French women this past weekend, International Women’s Day meant taking to the streets and demanding an end to the rise in fascism they’re seeing around the world.
Protesters with arms painted red and “FEMEN” written on their backs hold smoke devices during a march in an urban setting
In Paris on Saturday, a staggering 120,000 people joined in the Grève féministe (Feminist Strike), France 24 reported. The organizer estimates that 250,000 people participated in around 150 demonstrations across France.
People at a protest holding a sign reading “La révolution sera féministe” in a busy city street
The feminist activist group FEMEN, which was founded in Ukraine in 2008 and is now based in France, stages topless protests for women’s rights and liberation in an approach they call “sextremism.” Their blog reads, “You tell the world: Our God is a Woman! Our Mission is Protest! Our Weapon are bare breasts!”
They go on: “FEMEN female activists are the women with special training, physically and psychologically ready to implement the humanitarian tasks of any degree of complexity and level of provocation. FEMEN activists are ready to withstand repressions against them and are propelled by the ideological cause alone. FEMEN is the special force of feminism, its spearhead militant unit, modern incarnation of fearless and free Amazons.”
At the Grève féministe march on Saturday, a FEMEN group went topless, their chests painted with US, EU, and Russian flags with swastikas to represent Nazism on the rise in those places. Written on their chest were the words “FASCIST EPIDEMIC.”
People at a protest wearing military-style hats, with arms raised, bodies painted with stars, swastikas, and slogans like “Fascist Epidemic.”
They also donned WWII-style military garrison caps, arms painted red, and the word “NO” above their lips resembling Hitler’s mustache.
One video of the FEMEN protest by Brut reporter Rémy Buisine went particularly viral. In it, the women chant, “Epidemie fasciste, riposte feministe” (fascist epidemic, feminist response). That video has over 1.3 million likes and has been viewed over 43 million times.
Protesters in Paris with painted slogans on their bodies, demonstrating against Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, raising fists in solidarity
The caption translates to, “FEMEN action underway in Paris aimed in particular at Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump.” In more clips posted to Instagram by Brut and Buisine, the FEMEN chant, “Pour une Europe feministe, pas fasciste” (For a feminist Europe, not fascist), wield smoke-emitting devices, and march militarily.
Protesters with chest slogans march, wearing shorts and green caps, raising fists in demonstration. French text headline about fascism and feminist response
The video caption translates to: “‘Fascist epidemic, feminist response.’ FEMEN action targeting Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin in particular.”
People, particularly Americans, saw this as a very bold move — and that’s just what the FEMEN are after. Many called on Americans to take a stand in the same way, saying that it would have a bigger impact than…whatever we’re doing over here. An account that reposted the video wrote: “These women are BOLD and BEAUTIFUL. What would happen if American women were so BOLD?”
Instagram comment: “These women are BOLD and BEAUTIFUL. What would happen if American women were so BOLD?” 2,599 likes
Some comments have been auto-translated from French.
“THIS IS PROTESTING,” this person wrote.
rawren.nicole / Instagram / Via instagram.com
Another commented, “This is the most beautiful display of feminine patriotism.”
A social media comment reads: “This is the most beautiful display of feminine patriotism” with brown, white, and blue heart emojis
“I tell you what. The French know how to protest. The US needs to take notes,” someone said on TikTok.
A comment reads: “I tell you what. The French know how to protest. The US needs to take notes.” It has 4,198 likes
Comments on the videos, unfortunately, got pretty nasty, as you might be able to imagine. Some pointed out that’s exactly why these types of protests are needed:
Comment reads: “If the protesters were men, half of these comments would not exist! Courage à toutes les femmes??” with 1,609 likes
Social media post discussing criticisms of women’s protest methods, highlighting the symbolic power of their choices and urging reflection
Comment questioning societal norms on women’s dress and breastfeeding, highlighting gender double standards
Some argued this approach wouldn’t work in the US.
Social media comment: “The men in America would sexualize it and love it. The message would be completely lost. They are too juvenile.”
Instagram comment expressing surprise about cultural differences in modesty and the perception of indecency
But mostly, women were just really damn proud.
A comment reads: “This legitimately makes me so proud to be a woman. You are all so incredible. Sending lots of love to you all.” 1,303 likes
Comment reads: “A beautiful display of women for women!!!” with seven red heart emojis. 254 likes
You can watch the FEMEN protest chant here.
Rémy Buisine / Brut / Via tiktok.com
What do you think? Would protests like this in the US spur real change or just have their message distorted? Discuss in the comments!